Monday, April 16, 2018

Who's on your side?

As 'they' say, there is never a "good time" to have kids.  Same goes for starting a business.  I have to say, it was life altering.  Work was no longer a place to collect a paycheck or try to keep busy, it was now for survival.  I know, overly dramatic.  But there is something a bit more exhilarating about having to get the next job to put food on the table. 

I quit a well-paying job at TKDA to start off on my own.  We pared down all of our expenses to the bare minimum.  No cable, no health club memberships, no jelly of the month clubs.  We were planning on having to live off of $50,000 (the projected proceeds from our first project) for 1 year if necessary.  Luckily it went much better than that and we were able to string work together for the rest of the first year. 

What I found interesting was that people were very eager to help someone just starting out.  Yes,
'help out' and 'buy something from', are very different animals but it sure helps when you realize society is on your side rather than against you.  I can't even begin to tell you about all of the stories of people coming out of the woodwork to do a favor for me.  These were strangers willing to stay late at their job or come in on a weekend to help me get my machinery running.  Incredible.  I owe the universe and I'm hoping, to a certain degree, that this blog helps others thinking about trying something outside their comfort zone. 

So, don't be scared.  The world isn't against you.  To the contrary, actually.  The world is with you. They love underdog stories.  Love them...

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