Nothing new happened.
Just kidding. Exciting week.
Houlton Storage Garages - Building 5 is about 75% done. Exterior steel and 1/2 of the interior steel and insulation is up. We are waiting on three pieces of siding, a window and a service door to finish up the exterior. That won't take much. Spent a good part of the week chasing down paving contractor to get on their schedule, burying conduit for security system, talking through security options with a security guy (boy did I give him the run around, we are such amateurs!), getting conduit run for the gate sensors, and lining up a couple of renters. The heated building is clearly in demand. I think we have 5 units (or 7) rented already and lots of tire kickers. Eventually tire kickers turn into renters so I feel quite fortunate. We also had a two of our large units rent this week too. So, as we sit now, we have 1 unit left but once our Building 5 is up, we'll have a few current renters move into the new units and that will open up a few existing units. It's going well, however.
Just kidding. Exciting week.
Houlton Storage Garages - Building 5 is about 75% done. Exterior steel and 1/2 of the interior steel and insulation is up. We are waiting on three pieces of siding, a window and a service door to finish up the exterior. That won't take much. Spent a good part of the week chasing down paving contractor to get on their schedule, burying conduit for security system, talking through security options with a security guy (boy did I give him the run around, we are such amateurs!), getting conduit run for the gate sensors, and lining up a couple of renters. The heated building is clearly in demand. I think we have 5 units (or 7) rented already and lots of tire kickers. Eventually tire kickers turn into renters so I feel quite fortunate. We also had a two of our large units rent this week too. So, as we sit now, we have 1 unit left but once our Building 5 is up, we'll have a few current renters move into the new units and that will open up a few existing units. It's going well, however.
Hudson Storage Garages - The concrete guys finished up the slab on Building 3 (2nd building) and dropped in a footing for Building 5 (3rd building - I know, confusing....). They aren't going to get to the frost wall and slab on B5 soon enough so we're bringing in the relief pitcher on this one. Hopefully they're a hard throwing lefty. I gotta crank this thing out before winter so we can get our pavement in out to the road. Just want to make it easier to plow and fresh blacktop melts snow fast too. Two rights make a bigger right. We did have an issue. Just got done running our power for lights in Building 1. There was a very visible trench where the conduit and wires were run. Told excavating contractor to warn the crew. Manager warned the crew. Crew still hit the conduit and wire. Let's try this again!
Sometimes it just doesn't go as planned. Pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, but just another one of the "things" to deal with. I got a little worked up but really, this shouldn't even be on the radar. I think it's mostly funny because these guys are typically very good and conscientious. We'll laugh about it when we're done.

Housing development - Worked on this quite a bit during the week. Decided on Saturday night that I'm just going to do it and start moving forward. I'll let the sellers know on Sunday morning. Started to look at twin home plans and realized that what I want to build is not going to fit on the lot. I made a different call than planned on Sunday. I'm out. I'm sure it's still going to be a great opportunity for someone, but my vision for it wasn't going to work. Next.
RR Consulting - I landed a track evaluation project for an investment banking company. Spent about 75% of my time working on the inspection and reports and numbers for this. It was fun to stay in the Railroad game. Quite a bit of work and a tight timeline but that also means it will be due and behind us pretty quick too. Angie took on an even larger adulting responsibility than normal. I think she's ready for this gig to be up. Soon enough.
Pics are a before this week and after this week in Houlton and a picture of them finishing the slab in Hudson (and a before picture for fun).
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